"Spring and Summer are great times to brunch as there are so many wonderful seasonal ingredients available to play around with," Molina tells Best Life.
Flavor isn't the only factor to consider when making a salad—your goal should be to stir all the senses.
Including candied or roasted nuts can also add a surprising twist to your salad, says Forehand. Try choosing a flavor profile that contradicts the rest of your salad.
Sprinkling certain spices over your salad can also pack a major punch. Rousselle recommends trying Sumac, ground berries with a bright and tangy flavor.
Tart and flavorful, not to mention texturally notable, pomegranate seeds can help punch up your salad with minimal prep work involved, says Forehand.
Many people forget the simple power of adding fresh herbs to a salad, but these can transform a recipe and add a welcome complexity to the flavor profile.
Forehand says that the key to creating a salad that's both exciting and satisfying is to use a range of textures with intention.