Begin by kneeling on the floor, then lower your torso between your thighs and extend your arms in front of you. This pose helps to release tension in the back.
Lie on your back and extend your legs up against a wall, forming an L-shape with your body. This inversion pose promotes circulation.
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and fold forward from the hips, letting your upper body hang loose. Forward fold stretches the hamstrings and spine while calming.
Lie on your back and draw one knee toward your chest. Gently guide the knee across your body, twisting your spine. This pose releases tension in the back and promotes relaxation.
Lying flat on your back, allow your body to fully relax, focusing on deep breathing and letting go of any tension. Savasana is the ultimate relaxation pose, preparing the body.
Place a yoga block or bolster under your sacrum as you lie on your back with bent knees. This gentle backbend opens the chest and promotes relaxation.
Sit on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, then fold forward from the hips, reaching for your feet. This pose stretches the spine and calms the mind.
Lie on your back with the soles of your feet together and knees apart. This gentle hip opener relaxes the body and prepares you for sleep.
Begin on your hands and knees, alternately arching and rounding your back with each inhale and exhale. This dynamic movement releases tension in the spine and promotes relaxation.